FAQ - Indonesian Beaches On The Air | IBOTA

Frequently Asked Questions

Director : YC5YC

Operations Manager : YB7RV
Program Coordinator : YF1AAH
Creative & Award Manager : YC8DQ

If you have an idea & wants to volunteer in any open position you think necessary .
Please Contact Us

From this page now you see the top right corner the Login/Register button, click then Create New Account, fill all the form requested click Register button then wait for the membership admin to approve your request. If you register a Club Stations please follow and read our Simple Rules

Note :
Please use Your Callsign ONLY as Username and use Capital letter ex: YC5YC

Simply click the Add an activation button under "User Menu". You will be taken to the "Create Activation" form, here is what you can do :

First make sure your beach is listed (Registered). When your beach is listed it means you can select it from the beach dropdown menu. After that you can "add a picture" (Please make sure you use your own picture or put a credit to the owner of the picture you use). Then select Date & Time in UTC make sure you put your QRV starting hour in UTC so Amateur Radio around the world knows the exact time you started.

Check the QRP box if you work low power, under 10 watts Phone or leave it

Callsign Used is the Callsign you use, it could be your same exact callsign or DXPedition, Portable, or any club callsign you allowed to use during your activation. (Please refer to your country amateur radio regulation)

Remark is additional and promotional information about your activation, write anything you think necessary, for the amateur radio around the world to know about the activation, such as Band, Mode, Frequency you work, QSL Manager information etc.

You can put a link of any useful video from Youtube you want to share related to your activation. That's it you need to fill on activation if your beach is already on the lists, Click save.

For Unlisted Beach Only form
It is for you who can not find your beach on the dropdown menu (means beach is not yet registered) Here you can either find a Sponsor or Admin to sponsor your beach, or simply fill the form

Type your Beach Name, find a famous name of the beach if available so people recognize your beach, fill the coordinates, like Latitude and Longitude for the beach you want to activate. Fill the Regency/city, Province, and Country where the beach is located so if our sponsors find your Unregistered Beach they can easily use a single Sponsor this Beach! button below your activation to sponsored your beach.

Here you are ok to save the form.

Note :
You can always edit your activation but we limited some fucntion of editing, not everything you can edit for system security reason, so be very careful before making any new activation, Just in case you create a wrong activation, just set the date to one year ago. If you need any assistance please find our site administrator to help you.

1. Activators
You have to create at least 1 activation on this site and work at least 1 chaser to become an activator.
When you are an activator you have to upload your log, We only accept Amateur Data Interchange Format (ADIF).
From your profil page under "View" click "Upload Log" then you will be taken to the activator upload form, Here you get to pick the activation for the log you are about to upload from the dropdown menu, option only your own activation will appear, please select the one you want to upload, and click "Upload Log".
You can check your log from the "Log" tab on your profile page. You can delete your own log when you accidently upload a wrong adif file. You can always re-upload the same log as the system is able to recognize and reject a duplicate entry.
Remember your LOG as Activator is very important for the system to match them with the Chaser log.

2. Chasers
When you are a chaser use "Add chaser log" under "User Menu" at homepage, you will be taken to the Add Chaser Log form. Here's what to expect on the form,
1. Activator Callsign is your QSO partner callsign.
2. "Select Activation" is easy because only Activation belongs to the callsign you add on the Activator Callsign appear.
3. Choose "Band" of your QSO from the dropdown menu.
4. Type a correct Frequency like 7040 kHz or 7.040 MHz
5. Choose "Mode" of your QSO from the dropdown menu
6. Type RST Sent & Recieved
7. Type your callsign
8. Choose a correct "Date" of your QSO
9. Choose/Pick a "Time" from top to bottom (Hour, Minute, Second)
10. You can ignore Propagation & Satellite Name if you like

Then click "Add Log"

Note :
Point can only generated 1 time, Do not add the same log twice when they are already added and confirmed

This feature only appear on users who have at least 300 Gems on their account, you can Buy Gems this is How to Buy Gems on iBota Shop or ask for gems from your friends. We have Gems transfer feature from "Donate gems to other users" for the generous who wants to send their friend some gems just to registered their beach or else. You can find it on "Profile" page

When you have this Sponsor a beach button under "User Menu", simply click that then fill the form , make sure before you open the tab you have all the informations needed to Add/Sponsor a beach :

You can add a Beach Promotional picture/photo, always remember to use your own photo or give credit to the owner of the photo.

You can add a youtube video link related to the beach you want to add (Sponsor)

Add Coordinates, like Latitude & Longitude, you can get this information from the internet such as Google maps.

Add Municipality/City, Country Subdivision/Province, and Country

This "Sponsored by" form is important you can select your own callsign or you can pick your friends callsign to Donate this beach as a present/gift. Every point like Sponsor & Roll of honor point related to the beach you donate will be added to callsign added on this form. You can not edit this later, so think before you act and be very careful, admin will not be able to edit this without any good reason.

The last form is relevant and promotional information related to the beach so peoples get well informed when they see your beach. ( Put a credit when you copy this information somewhere on the net)

Now make sure everything is correct before you click "CREATE", Your will spend 200 Gems for this Beach Registration.

Add an activation :
Its a button where you add your activation details like Beach, Date & Time, Callsign used, Photo, Video, and Remarks about your activity or else you think important for the event promotion. Please use your own photo only or put a credit to the owner (Read about Copyright & Content). Here you can choose Listed Beach from the Beach Name dropdown menu, or Type any names on the second Beach Name form which only for the Unlisted Beach. In case you are adding the new beach (Unlisted) it will not added to the listed beach immediately unless you find a sponsors. It will cost them 200 Gems to make it listed. Activating & Chasing the unlisted beach is not allowed.

Add spot :
This button is like a cluster where chaser can put information there is a BOTA happening and you heard/worked to let anyone knows What activation, On What Frequency & Mode. When you SAVE it, the information will appear on the Homepage under Lates Spots

Add chaser log :
Here where Chaser add their single detail log, It's like you create a log on any logbook programme/software, it has to be real detail QSO because the system will analyze your log and match it with the Activator log you worked, when your QSO match & confirmed then you as Chaser will earn 1 poin as well as the Activator & the beach's Sponsor.

My chaser logs
It's list of your chaser logs you input from Add Chaser log or you Upload from Upload Chaser Logs

Sponsor a beach
This button only available when you own at least 200 Gems on your profile. You can ask your friend to send you some Gems or you can Shop for Gems if you like. Please always read our Terms & Conditions before you make any purchase with us.

What's Latest Spot?
It's a spot of today's activations create by chasers from Add Spot. You can only spot 1x per activation, Your spot only listed once if you add another one, your last spot will be overwritten. Activation has to be choosen from dropdown list as it is limited to today's activation only. You don't have to work the station to spot, just like cluster you can spot when you confirmed the callsign or the event you heard to let chasers/hunters know

What's Activation Announcements?
Its a list of coming activation, so you can prepare

What's Latest Activations?
List of passed activation.

From the sidebar you will know who's Commenting , who's online,
and the list of our New Beaches.
We have also a News & Blog to share with you above the footer.
On the footer you will see more information about us .

View :
View contain detail information about you like Name, Country, About me, Date Register, Date Approval, & Membership Points. Here you will find some very useful links like

1. Upload log As Activator & As Chaser
2. Username Change Request You only need this when you upgarde your license. You need to upload legal license documents before the admin can approve you
3. Donate gems to other users This is a Gems transfer feature, you can only donate when your Gems is more than 300 points
4. Beach Trade is a sponsor's tool to trade/swap/sell their beach to other sponsors while its still valid. Check our Simple Rules for details

Activation :
List of all your activations

Beaches :
List of beaches you sponsored

Reports :
List of confirmed QSO's you added as chasers

Log :
It's like a logbook, on the list are all your logs either you add them from Add chaser log or Upload log as Activator/Chaser

Awards :
List of your Awards or Achievements

Message :
List of private messages from users

Award/Certificate will be process by the system automatically, when you score & reach the milestone, your award will be ready to print or download from the bottom of your profile page.

1. Roll of Honors
Roll of Honor is a top sponsor leaders who earn a point on every chaser confirm a QSO on the beach's activation they sponsored. And the earn it everytime their beaches beeing re-activated.

2. Top Sponsor
Top Sponsors point counted from how many beaches they sponsored, so its literally show how many beaches they owned

3. Top Activators
Top Activators point counted everytime chaser confirmed a QSO

4. Top Chasers
Chasers is most important element in the system, all points are depends on the chaser, there will be no poin if no chaser using Upload chaser log or Add chaser log Every confirmed chaser worth 1 point to Activators and Roll of Honors point

5. Top Rating Activations
It's a top rating activation leaders. So get all your friend to rate your activation to make your name appear here on the list

It would't take more than 24hours , if we don't approve your payment in 3 hours, please notify us by Whatsapp The fastest way to reach our admin. Email Us would do too.

Sponsors are honorable members on iBOTA™ who actually participate in funding the system. To become a Sponsor, Purchase for Gems you can use to create beach list. You will be added to the Sponsor's page and will be added one extra Sponsor a beach button.

{Sponsor adalah anggota terhormat di iBOTA™ yang secara tidak langsung ikut berpartisipasi dalam mendanai sistem kami. Untuk menjadi Sponsor, bisa dengan membeli Gems yang dapat digunakan untuk membuat daftar pantai.}

Video Tutorial How to Buy Gems on iBOTA™

User Menu

Unregistered Users

ID Uploader Unregistered Action
7320 YC2NBY YG1DI Remove
7319 YC2FPI YD2AMI Remove
7318 YC2FPI YB0NIU Remove
7317 YC2FPI YD3ARC Remove
7316 YD2FCM YD3CVR Remove
7315 YD2FCM YD0JDX Remove
7314 YD2FCM YD0SCG Remove
7313 YD2FCM YG3CJU Remove
7312 YD2FCM YC2BRP Remove
7311 YD2FCM YH2AI Remove

Who's Online?

1 users active today

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New Beaches

Beach Name Code Country Actions
Pantai Heppy YB/BA-B258 Indonesia Activate this beach!
Pantai Pasir Koneng Puak YB/RI-B257 Indonesia Activate this beach!
Pantai Tanjung Taipa YB/SG-B256 Indonesia Activate this beach!
Pantai Rancabuaya YB/JB-B255 Indonesia Activate this beach!
Pantai Midodaren YB/JI-B254 Indonesia Activate this beach!


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